Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why I Don't Care About Bald Chicks

I just signed onto AOL and saw this article:

"Since V for Vendetta was recently released on DVD, I've found myself asking a deep, philosophical question. How many other actresses shaved their heads or went totally bald for the sake of the cinematic arts? It turns out there were quite a few. I found nine worth mentioning and eventually decided to drop Robin Tunney (
Empire Records) and Demi Moore (G.I. Jane) to runner-up status. "

But here's the thing. These are stunningly beautiful Hollywood actresses who have a team of experts applying their makeup and training their bodies every day. Sure, it's cool that they can prove that feminine beauty can exist despite a lack of visible hair...but the Orthodox Jews have been doing that for years (snoods, anyone?).

Of course Natalie Portman looks like a total babe when she's bald. She's very pretty. Same with all the others on that list. I don't really care about the list of who looks great bald. But the writer of this article sure does. And you know why? Because secretly, they wonder what they'd look like bald. They wonder if they'd be as hot as Sigourney Weaver in "Alien". But are they brave enough to test it out?

Ay, there's the rub.

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