Saturday, September 23, 2006

Boo, Plays Being Cancelled. Hooray, Continuing to Pursue Them!

I know our play at the Holocaust Museum was rejected. But I don't care. I've wanted this too much for too long not to have it happen. Jake may have found us a new stage and I'm writing up a storm, trying to improve the script. We'll make it happen. We're too in love with the project to just give up. Yeah, it was tough having to find out that we were rejected by the same people who originally really wanted us, but c'est la vie. Maybe we can do another project for the museum. I just know that THIS one is going to happen. I feel it.

In other news, FDP is going beautifully. I love my cast and my director is just too darn adorable to be true. She's a grad student and is a lot of fun. I'm also pretty much healthy again, which is more exciting than any of the other stuff, I think. I can still barely hear a thing, but apart from that, I feel great.

Shout-out to Hannah, who makes me prouder than anyone I know on a daily basis. Hannah, you're the best little sister who I'm not really related to ever! (Kelsey's the best sister who's my age, before she says anything, haha)


Anonymous said...

Great, you get better, and I lose my voice... we just seem to be switching sicknesses around here :p


Anonymous said...

You really know how to make me feel better! I come home from a hard day of school and just everything and I read this and feel all good about myself! I love you and thank you!
