Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Important information for all who read this, whoever you are: drink water.

Do not allow yourselves to become dehydrated.

I did. And it's not fun. Yesterday, I drank six cups (they're pretty small, but still) of coffee in hopes of waking up enough to make it through Costume Construction without sewing my fingers together. In doing so, I felt jittery, dizzy, and sick for the next twelve hours and didn't eat or drink anything for almost thirty-six hours. I am still feeling pretty awful and a little feverish (not sure if that's normal. Must Wikipedia the information on dehydration).

So just don't do it. Drink water. Even if you don't like the taste of it, just drink it. It's much better than not drinking it and almost fainting in an elevator or falling off your bed or not being able to focus your eyes for twelve hours.

Yay for friends and roommates who are extremely nurturing and cuddly who force me to drink water. Because I definitely didn't want to. Still don't, but will.

THIS WARNING GOES ESPECIALLY TO THE THEATRE STUDENTS. Since we have our rescheduled audition on Friday, please be careful about your health. Nerves are high and I know I get scared auditioning and get all shaky, so please be good to yourselves!!

1 comment:

Adam said...

I hope your silence these past couple days isn't indicative that the dehydration was more serious than you let on.

Feel better! Some of us are still hanging on for more film recommendations. ;)