Wednesday, September 27, 2006

This is Our Youth

I just reread "This is Our Youth" yesterday with Sarah and Dallas (I read Warren, but, you know, whatever)...and I remembered how much I love that play. I want to be in it SO badly. I would definitely consider Jessica to be a dream role. I know it's going to be at the Firehouse Theatre in March, but I don't know anything about auditioning or their rehearsal process, and I know I'd have to get permission from the theatre department here at VCU before I did anything...but I really want to do it!

I have been a completely caffeine-powered writing machine this week. I wrote two one-acts and came up with ideas for a few others, and I fine-tuned some of the script for the Holocaust project...all on about three hours of sleep a night. Okay, so I know that's really not the healthiest or smartest way to go about things, but what can I say? I became a college student REALLY fast.

I got a C on my Art History exam. Boo. I studied really hard for that, too! And then I did really well on my "This is Our Youth" quiz and I didn't even look over the script a second time. I guess it just goes to do better at things you're truly passionate about.

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