Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I had the most interesting morning...

After acting class, we all went to the dining hall. Outside of this building, there is a big "VCU" thing that you can climb on, sit on, whatever (as long as you're not stealing it or defacing it, it's pretty much fair game). Well, Cesar, who is crazy, decided to climb onto the "V" and just stand there like a statue for a while. The rest of us went inside, figuring he would come in when he got hungry. Well, no, he didn't. After about half an hour, Eric and I decided to join in. I froze on the "C" and Eric handled the "U".

I stayed there for a full ninety minutes before moving.

The reaction was strange. Some people tried to make us laugh or talk. Some yelled out "THEATRE NERDS!" which actually did make me smile (out of pride). Some took photos and a few art students sketched us. The most interesting reaction, though, came from a few second-year acting students. They were angry with us. I'm not sure why. They shouted things like "First years! Get down! Stop that!" We weren't hurting anyone and we weren't in anyone's way, so I don't really know what that was all about. Hans joked that it was probably because they were mad they didn't think of it first.

Most people wanted a rationalization once we broke our freezes. One conversation went like this:

GIRL: So, what was this for? Was this an assignment? Did Barry put you up to it?
KAYTREN: No. It was kind of for no reason.
GIRL: Were you protesting?
GIRL: Are you sure?

I thought that was funny. We're positive. We started it! Haha. It was hard for people to accept that we were doing it for no reason. Although what started out as being a silly stunt for no apparent reason quickly turned into an exercise in focus. I never once looked up to see who was looking at me. One girl put her face about an inch away from mine. I heard her say, "Caroline, it's me!" but I don't know who it was. I wasn't focusing on her. I kept within myself. Since I didn't know when the people on the "V" and the "U" were moving, I didn't move except for one time (occasionally, we'd change our positions if they caused pain). I'm pretty proud of myself.

Although my back REALLY hurts from staying in a sort of tense position for an hour and a half.

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